
Online gambling ban will cost U.S. $ 34,000,000,000

The U.S. Treasury miss the next ten years, up to $ 33,900,000,000. Reason why legalization is the prohibition of online gambling, the tax revenues could be higher. "On the Internet, the social control effect is completely lost, in the arcades to young people is still present, at least. The anonymity of the net naturally creates great dangers ", defended Ilona Füchtenschnieder, spokeswoman for the trade association gambling addiction , talking to press text that such a ban. Read more at derStandard.at. Banned

"Online gambling is prohibited in Germany. Provider but see tremendous business opportunities and leave no stone unturned to take this, "says the expert. A particular problem are likely to represent poker websites on the Internet. "Sometimes they cooperate with approved casinos, which gives them the appearances of legality", refers Füchtenschnieder existing
trick cards loopholes.

More money

An additional authorization of sports betting would bring the U.S. financial even total almost 43 billion dollars. This result shall be the consultancy and audit Price Waterhouse Coopers Institute using two different basic approaches. Licensing, regulation and taxation of online gambling only in those U.S. states where casinos are also currently approved standard would mean an increase of at least $ 17,600,000,000.

Banned infraredink

In ten different U.S. states, including New York, Washington and New Jersey, online gambling is prohibited under penalty. The bill HR2046 - the "Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007" - presented by Congressman Barney Frank sees a regulated licensing of online casinos provide, at least in those states where casinos are physically present. In the second approach on the basis of a draft (HR2607) by Congressman Jim McDermott, a lump-sum taxation is provided by two percent.


"In this country, the revenue from gambling taxes are already higher than, say, from the alcohol tax," said Füchtenschnieder the risk of addiction. Estimates for the number of problem gamblers in Germany would vary. "We are in the age group of 18 - to 65-year-olds from a Suchtrate by 0.5 percent, ie from at least 250,000 people, but there are probably many more. The real figure should also still be significantly higher, "said Füchtenschnieder.

